Targeted Friend List
This is, the one big mistake I see many people do. They target the wrong people. Who is the target market in network marketing? Other network marketers. Because most of them are failing at their business. Your friends and family are the wrong people to target. They see you as their childhood friend, and not this super successful network marketer.
A good place to start, is find someone who is a big influence, and get there friend list. Think of someone who influences a lot of people. Go find there profile, and start to friend their list. Robert Kiyosaki is someone who I think of as a big influence. Robert will have a huge list of friends. Find his list, and start to add them to your profile.
This is, the one big mistake I see many people do. They target the wrong people. Who is the target market in network marketing? Other network marketers. Because most of them are failing at their business. Your friends and family are the wrong people to target. They see you as their childhood friend, and not this super successful network marketer.
A good place to start, is find someone who is a big influence, and get there friend list. Think of someone who influences a lot of people. Go find there profile, and start to friend their list. Robert Kiyosaki is someone who I think of as a big influence. Robert will have a huge list of friends. Find his list, and start to add them to your profile.
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